My boss once called me the “book baby midwife,” and she really couldn’t have picked a better compliment.
As Managing Editor of d'Aulnoy Editions, I enjoy trimming language down to its most concise and meaningful form, getting the words just right; but the real goal is to leave no trace while editing – only to better reveal the meaning of the writer. Previously part of Mslexia, a UK-based women’s writing magazine, I've pretty much always been involved with literary journals and publishing. My favorite part of what I do has always been catching our authors’ excitement and supporting them on the publishing journey.
In my spare time, I'm the editor and founder of a short fiction publisher, I co-lead a local fiction writing group, and I enjoy plenty of nerdy TV shows. Although originally from Atlanta, I called the UK home for nearly seven years, so I'm always a little bit homesick for the Toon. When I'm not geeking out over a good font or InDesign file, I argue with MadCap Flare.